Olympic College What's Next Tour 2/25--sign up extended thru 2/10

Students will join 400 other High School students from around the county at Olympic College in Bremerton for a campus tour, an employer and faculty forum and two individually selected program tours of Olympic College Professional-Technical programs.
This is a fantastic way to tour the Olympic College Campus and see what a day in the life of an OC student feels like. Professional technical programs are career preparation programs that are designed to give students the training they need to enter the workforce or continue their education with additional degrees. As part of this tour, students will get an individualized schedule with two programs the student is interested in studying. They will get to meet the professors and see what the program entails and the careers it prepares students for.
Field Trip Details
- February 25th 8:00a-2:00p
- Depart from the BHS Bus Loop
- Register with this Link to select your programs and secure a spot
- Complete this field trip permission form to secure a spot
- Bring a sack lunch or money to purchase food from the student union building
- Open to all students, with priority to Juniors and Seniors
- Space limited to 30 students
- Registration and permission forms are due by 2/7 at 3:00p