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Hike Club


Hike Club

Advisor Marilyn Tsolomitis Meeting Select Mondays, 8:18 am - General Select Fridays, 8:18 am - Leadership Team Location Room 229


Our club meets at school for school sponsored activities and we meet outside of school as "GOATS" for hiking, which is voluntary and NOT school sponsored.

Hike Club intends to provide students with a way to practice planning and leadership skills in real life situations along with an opportunity to hike in a safe place, learn about the natural world, first aid, orienteering, leave no trace, trail etiquette, and community building.

Join our Google Classroom: ecrylss



We cannot get "out there" without your support. We depend on parent drivers to deliver us to trailheads. You may hike with us (and the other adults who are along) - or hang out until we are done. Please consider driving so that we can continue to enjoy the great outdoors.
The calendar of upcoming hikes is posted in Google Classroom and/or you can fill out this survey (live soon) to let us know what you can offer. Thank you so much for considering supporting us in our desire to enjoy days in the wild!



We meet at school on various Monday mornings at 8:18 in room 229 or in the Rock Ring (between 100 and 200 buildings). Sign up in Google Classroom for meeting and GOAT Hike information.



Upcoming outing dates to save (and kindly ASK - or beg or bribe your parents to drive!) can be found in the Google Classroom.