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Fee Waiver & Scholarships

We would like ALL BISD high school students to have access to the many activities and academic opportunities that we offer at BHS. If your family is in need of financial assistance,  there are 2 ways to receive this support for a student.

  1. Waivers through the Free Reduced-Price Meals plan (apply through the Food Services Department and complete the Release of Information form in Skyward).
  2. Scholarships thanks to funding and partnership with Bainbridge Community Foundation (Youth Experience Fund, YES!), Bainbridge Schools Foundation, booster groups and student club fundraising (apply through the online BHS Scholarship Application Form)

How to qualify for automatic waivers

When a family qualifies for free or reduced price meals based on income guidelines set by the US Department of Agriculture, they will have access to a “Release of Information" form in Skyward where they can select the type of items they would like waived.  These categories include ASB Membership, District Events Fee Waiver, Field Trip Fee Waiver (curricular), Testing and Class Fee Waiver, and Chromebook Insurance Fee Waiver.  With the exception of Chromebook Insurance (see Chromebook Insurance Waivers below), all other fees for the categories selected will be made available for $0 when steps 1-4 are completed:

  1. Fill out the Free & Reduced-Price Meals Application online through the Food Services tab in Skyward. NOTE: This form does not automatically renew and must be completed every year.

Online applications are preferred but paper copies are also available at the BHS front office or can be printed from the Food Services webpage.

  1. Select which fees you would like automatically waived – if your family qualifies, access will be given to a custom online form in the [Online Forms] tab in Skyward called “Release of Information” that will allow you to choose which types of fees you would like waived. Please contact for questions about how to access this form.
  2. Complete all transactions for you or your student through the online payment site (either InTouch Receipting or Hometown Ticketing as the case may be) and the system will automatically adjust qualified items to a cost of $0 when you go to buy them.
  3. Create a receipt in your student’s name. It is important to note that you must complete a transaction for you or your student. If steps 1 and 2 have been completed correctly, the item will show up for $0 at checkout.  **You must go through this process and create a receipt in your student's name for them to get the benefit. **

Example 1: If you qualify for free meals and fill out the Skyward “Release of Information” form indicating that you would like the cost of an ASB membership waived, login to the online payment site and purchase an ASB card.  You will not need to use your credit card to check out, but by completing this process, your student will appear on the list of paid ASB card holders.  Questions? Please contact the BHS accounting office:

Example 2: Qualified families who have checked the “District Events” box on the Release of Information form will follow the instructions to the right to receive a free pass through the Hometown Ticketing site.

Chromebook Insurance Waivers

Families who qualify for free or reduced price meals and have requested a Chromebook insurance waiver through Skyward will automatically receive that insurance, retroactively, to the start of the school year. Confirmation to that effect will be communicated to those families by the school district. Financial aid is available if your family is in need of assistance but does not qualify for free or reduced price meals. Please vist the Technology Department page on the BISD website for more information on how to apply.

BHS Accounting Office:

Sarah Spray

Families who qualify for Free or Reduced meals may obtain a Free Family Digital Sports Pass and Theatre Ticket Pass:

  • Click on the "District Events" box on the Skyward "Release of Information Form", then;
  • Go to the BHS website and access the event you would like a ticket or pass for.
  • Click on "Have a Passcode?" and enter your guardian username for Skyward
  • Purchase your Pass for $0
  • Show your digital pass at the gate for free entry to all home football and basketball games as well as theater productions.

Scholarship/Financial Assistance

In order to support families who do not qualify for free or reduced meals or do qualify but would like to seek support with items that are not related to class, participation, extracurricular or testing fees, we encourage you to fill out the BHS Scholarship Application Form.  All requests are confidential.

Free & Reduced Price Meal Program

For questions about the Free and Reduced Meal application form, please contact the Food Services Department via email at or by calling (206)780-1844.

REMINDER: You must reapply each school year to receive benefits from the free/reduced lunch program. Those who qualify for free and reduced lunch will automatically receive additional benefits if they provide permission for their status to be shared with the fee administrator. See above instructions on how this works.