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The career center is a dedicated resource hub at BHS, committed to empowering students in their journey towards achieving their career aspirations. We offer a wide array of services designed to support students in their career goals and foster career-connected learning experiences. Our comprehensive services encompass resume writing assistance, interview preparation, career exploration guidance, and Work-Based Learning opportunities.

Our Work-Based Learning programs include participation in Cooperative Work-Based Learning classes, engaging internships, informative job shadowing experiences, and enlightening guest speaker sessions. Additionally, we organize field trips to expose students to real-world career environments and provide valuable resources for post-high school programs and training options.

One of our primary objectives is to help students align their education after high school with their career interests. Whether a student is four-year university bound or looking into two-year colleges, technical school and trade school programs, as well as apprenticeship and Military opportunities, ensuring that students make informed decisions about their educational and career pathways. At the career center, we are dedicated to equipping our students with the tools and knowledge they need to embark on successful and fulfilling career journeys.

It is the Career Information Center’s goal that the development of career awareness be an integral extension of the school’s curriculum.  For this reason, Bainbridge High School has a Career Center, which serves as an excellent resource for students, faculty, and parents needing information about post-secondary education and career decisions.   Materials and services available to assist in the development of realistic future plans include:

  • School-to-Work connections (work-based and work-site learning activities including job shadows, internships, community service, etc.)
  • Career Day events featuring guest mentors representing a wide range of occupational fields available for questions.
  • Computerized career guidance software (portfolios, career interest inventory, career aptitude tests, college search, scholarship search, etc.)
  • Technical, 2-year and 4-year college catalogs and reference books
  • Scholarship information and applications
  • Development of marketing strategies and skills (resumes, interviews, applications, etc.)
  • West Sound Technical Skills Center information
  • Tech Prep (college credit for high school course work) registration information
  • Jobs Board and community service posting opportunities for students
  • Presentations by military, career speakers, and college representatives


CTE Staff

CTE Director

Lesha Engels




CTE Career Guidance Specialist

Lia Swanson


Work-Based Learning Coordinator

Suzanne Hermanson
