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Fines are assessed when:

  • a fee related to class or extracurricular activity has not been paid by a posted deadline
  • an item checked out to a student has not been returned by a posted due date
  • an item that is the property of the school has been damaged by the student or
  • when a parking infraction has occurred.

Each student must take care to return all checked out materials (textbooks, library books, sports equipment and uniforms) and pay required class, test, sports fees, other extracurricular fees or parking fines in a timely way, each semester.

At the end of each semester, students who have not paid class fees or returned materials requested by teachers, coaches and librarians are assessed a fine for the missing fee or for the replacement value of the missing item.

Avoid fines by doing the following in a timely manner:

  • Return materials (sports equipment, uniforms, class textbooks, library books etc)
  • Pay fees (class, sports, testing, extracurricular events)
  • Park only in assigned or approved areas

See what fines a student owes by logging into the online payment site.


How to Clear Fines- Pay or Return

  • PAY - use the online payment site to pay by credit or a the BHS Accounting office to pay by cash or check
  • RETURN LIBRARY MATERIALS TO THE LIBRARY - Library books, textbooks, chromebooks, calculators that were checked out of the library need to be returned there as well.  Once scanned in, any overdue fines will automatically update and remove the fine from the online payment system (this may take 24 hours or more).
  • RETURN NON-LIBRARY MATERIALS TO THE ACCOUNTING OFFICE - Return missing materials that have become fines and that were not originally checked out of the library (sports uniform for example) to the BHS Accounting Office.