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BHS Community Newsletter ~ February 28, 2025

Posted Date: 2/28/25 (11:41 PM)

BHS News
February 28, 2025
Inside this Newsletter
  • Message from the Principal
  • 2025-26 BHS Course Registration
  • Social Media Safety Forum ~ March 25
  • PTSO Volunteer/Donation Opportunities
  • Spring Sports Registration
  • Check for Unpaid Fees & Fines
  • Senior Class Information
  • Highly Capable Referral Window
  • Communication Surveys
A Message from the Principal
Happy (almost) March, Spartans! 

It feels great to announce the beginning of March after all the stop and go's of February. It was definitely a month of weather to remember (or forget!). Please know the district is working hard to solidify our end of year makeup plans with the state, and that final details will likely not be known until April. Of course, once a final last day of school is official, it will be announced right away.

Enormous congrats to so many Spartans on outstanding accomplishments in the last few weeks! We have state champs and runner ups, district qualifiers, personal bests, and a variety of other recognitions for so many of our student athletes, musicians, and club members! It is wonderful to see our students recognized for all their talent and hard work! Go Spartans! 

Please save the date for our March PTSO General Meeting on March 25th at 7pm. I will be hosting a panel discussion for adults alongside members of the Bainbridge Island Police Department about the ins and outs of current social media, trends in teens being taken advantage of online, and how to support safe and appropriate use. We invite all adults who support our students to attend! We would like to build this presentation around specific topics and questions that you may have and invite you to fill out this form to help us create a presentation that is as relevant as possible. We hope to see you there! 

Finally, thank you to our amazing Counseling Department, and in particular, Counselor Krista Pal, for providing our students the opportunity to experience the Beyond BHS college and career fair here on campus yesterday. Additionally, we thank all of our families who attended the evening sessions last night. It is very unique for a high school to host such an event just for our community and to have so much variety for students to experience and learn about. Kudos to our counseling team for all their hard work in making it happen! 

Go Spartans!

Kristina Rodgers, BHS Principal 
Important Information
2025-26 BHS Course Registration
The course request process has begun for the 2025-2026 school year! Counselors have met with all students to share grade level specific information on selecting courses. Skyward is open now through March 10th @ 9:00 am for students to choose courses and alternate electives. They will use their own Skyward account to do this.

If your student was absent, please have them stop by the counseling office to pick up their materials and step by step instructions. All relevant information including courses available by grade level, PowerPoint presentations, and course descriptions can be found here.
Social Media Safety Forum on March 25
Social Media Safety Forum ~ March 25
On Tuesday March 25th @ 7pm in the BHS Library, BHS Principal Kristina Rodgers, BIPD Officer Zach Burnham and Kelsey Lynch, BIPD Community Health Navigator will host a panel discussion around teen social media use, trends, and best practices so that adults can be "in the know" to help their teens navigate their online presence. The idea is to empower adults to support our kids to make safe and smart choices as well as recognize when to seek help or support if something feels harmful or possibly illegal.  Please use this form to share any questions, concerns or ideas we can address during this presentation.
Volunteers Needed
PTSO Volunteer/Donation Opportunities
We’re getting ready for our annual Pi Day celebration on March 14th and we need your help! Sign up to send in a food item or to help with set-up or clean-up here. If you’re unable to donate an item, we’d be happy to put a monetary donation toward our celebration.

As you prepare your family for emergencies, you can help the BISD schools prepare, too! The collective BISD PTOs are holding a fundraiser to restock emergency supplies across all schools. Your purchase will support all BISD schools and PTOs in their efforts to ensure all classrooms have sufficient emergency supplies. The fundraiser runs March 3rd through May 4th. Use the promo code BISD303 when you check out to make sure that our PTOs receive the 30% credit for your purchase. If you have students in more than one school, you will receive the same fundraiser information from each school. Check out our fundraiser here
Spartan head
Spring Sports Registration
Spring sports start Monday, March 3. Athletes must be registered online and have a current medical eligibility form on file to be cleared for tryouts. Concussion baseline testing will be scheduled for teams after rosters are final.

Spring Sports Night with AD Luke Ande will be Thursday, March 6, at 6:30 pm in the BHS Theater, mandatory for athletes and recommended for parents.

For more information and to register, please visit the BHS Athletics page.
Image of a $ sign
Check for Unpaid Fees & Fines
Now is a good time to login to the online payment site to see if your student has any fees to be paid or materials that need to be returned. 

The online payment site will show you if there are any unpaid:
Class fees
Sports fees
AP Exam fees
Parking fines
Chromebook damage fines

The online payment site will list items that need to be returned to the school and the replacement cost in the event that an item is lost. Return items that you have and only pay for those that have been lost or damaged. Example: Books, sports uniforms, chromebooks

You can also verify previously made payments by clicking “Reprint Receipts” in the Reports section of the site.

Information on how to apply for scholarships and fee waivers can be found by clicking on the Financial Support icon on the BHS homepage.
Class of 2025
Senior Class Information
  • Calling all Senior artists! We need your artwork and talent to help design your class graduation program. Please reach out to Mrs. Hughes in the Counseling Department for more information.
  • Cap & Gown distribution is Friday, April 4 during both lunches. You can still place an order here. Additionally, we have LOTS of gowns to lend if you would like to borrow one.
  • Grad Night Out is a non-school sponsored event which directly follows graduation. Register by April 15 to receive the early bird rate.
  • Review the list of Senior Spring dates.
Highly Capable Nomination Window
Highly Capable Referral Window Open through March 3
BISD offers services to students who have been identified as highly capable. Highly capable students are those who perform or show potential for performing at significantly advanced academic levels. Services are provided for students in grades K-12. 

In the Spring referral window, students in grades K-11 may be referred by teachers, family, or community members. To learn more and submit a referral, visit the Highly Capable Webpage.

Spring HC Referral Process Timeline:
February 10-March 3: Referral window open
March 10-28: Data collection, which may involve CogAT testing
April: Evaluation & placement determination
Mid-May: Results communicated with families
Communication Surveys
Communication Surveys
Two years ago, BISD underwent a communications audit, which included a survey. This was a valuable tool and helped set communication goals to improve our practices. It is time again to evaluate what is working and how we can improve.

Please take the communication survey (links below) to share your opinions. You are not asked to provide your name/email address, and your responses will remain anonymous (unless you choose to identify yourself in the comment section). 

The survey takes only a few minutes to complete and will close on Friday, March 14, 2025. Your honest feedback helps shape the focus for next year (and beyond). Curious about how we use the survey data? Check out this report.
BHS Calendar
3: Spring Sports Start
6: Spring Sports Night @ 6:30
10: BHS Course Registration Deadline
13: Spring Band Concert @ 7:00
25: Social Media Safety Forum @ 7:00
Non-Discrimination Statement
Bainbridge Island School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups. The following employee has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Kristen Haizlip, Civil Rights Coordinator and Title IX Compliance Officer 8489 Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110; 206-780-1058; BISD: All Are Welcome